Our Services
Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

‘ISSIT Ltd ‘ is the leading professional business intelligence company in Bangladesh. (www.issit.org) since January 2005. Our close associations and partnership with the world best investigation companies like Centricity Consulting Australia, Control Risk Group, India, Chris Mathers Inc, Canada, ISOG, Italy etc. made us automatic the best choice in Bangladesh in the private investigation services.

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Risk Assesment

Risk Assesment

Our unique standing in the eco-sphere of business risk assessment in Bangladesh rely on professional approach by delivering quality service with innovative and creative security solutions of international standard . Our associations and partnership with some of the world best Security Industry leaders like Trojan Securities Inc, USA, Centricity Consulting & Investigation ,Australia, Control Risk Group.

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Software Development

Software Development

The ISSIT Ltd Software products are being designed to provide following services: For Integration of different security systems including surveillance devices, alarm system and Access Control (Bio-metric, Punch Card , Sensor devices) etc. in order to enable friendly and easy monitoring for the clients.

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